Setting the Stage

Here’s a wide-ranging exploration of a symbol complex radiating out from the now-ubiquitous word corona.
It’s a bumpy ride from Wu-Han, China (“no country”??) to Kirkland, Washington that takes you past Freemasonic halls — including the esteemed Quatuor Coronati Lodge; the Kabbalistic “Tree of Life”; the Lenten Crown of Thorns; and more.
And all of this unfolds in Zodiacal time (Capricorn to Taurus or Cancer), underneath the starry firmament, with Orion’s Betelgeuse possibly on the verge of going supernova (or… is it?!), the heliacal rise of Sirius just months away, and with the comet Atlas set for a flyby.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, there’s also a sexual undercurrent, detectable in the shadows.